Are Vaccination ‘Sections’ Fair or Discrimination? Take our Poll
According to W.W. Norton's Introduction to Sociology (2009) one of the definitions of discrimination is this:
It involves restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to members of another group.
They're the same folks who bring you the famous Norton Anthologies.
It appears Gov. Jay Inslee's 'perks' program (as he calls it) which allows and encourages churches, sports venues, theaters and other public entertainment and worship facilities to establish vaccinated and non-vaccinated sections, meets the criteria for discrimination.

Long story short, Inslee's plan allows various public entities to increase their capacity for vaccinated persons while keeping seating or area for non-vaccinated persons at lower numbers. Therefore, vaccinated persons will have a better chance of getting around seating and crowd limitations to attend an event.
Yes, non-vaccinated persons can still go to a Mariner game. But their seating section will fill up a lot faster and be smaller. Therefore, Inslee is denying equal and fair access to a good, product, or service to a certain group of persons (see above definition).
Plus, these people will be given entry by different methods, which is a form of segregation really. Vaccinateds in one way, non in another. KEEP READING to get to the poll and your chance to voice your opinion.
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What if a person wants to sit with their friends who happen to be vaccinated and the are not? Unless the vaccinated people are willing to go to the 'smaller' section, they will be separated.
Already, numerous legislators are saying they believe lawsuits are coming. It's one thing, like the Seattle Mariners, to offer all sorts of perks (Freebies) to vaccinated persons. But it's another to deny people better access to a service, based upon their personal choice and freedom to do so.
There's no law, mandate or statute requiring anyone to get vaccinated. If you do, do it. It not, don't. But people's personal choice is being trampled, at least according to many.
What do you think? Take our poll.
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