Are We Stoners? Study Says 33% of WA Drivers Test Positive for Drugs
According to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC), a new study says 1/3 of all Washington state drivers who were pulled over for traffic violations were under the influence of some sort of drug or alcohol.
Julie Furlong of the WTSC says that's part of the reason for another round of pending emphasis patrols starting August 19th and running through the Labor Day Holiday, ending September 5th. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission (NHTSC) Labor Day is a deadlier holiday than New Year's when it comes to accidents and impaired drivers.
All local, county and state law enforcement agencies will be involved in the Summer Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.
Of the 251 Washington drivers involved in deadly crashes in 2015, nearly 60% tested positive for multiple drugs, or drugs mixed with alcohol.
Officials are seeing a marked spike in marijuana-related accidents, including drivers who have mixed pot with alcohol.
Some good news, since 2011, the number of alcohol-only related fatal crashes has dropped from 78 to below 52. The BAD news? The number of what are called poly-drug fatal crashes involving two or more drugs, or drugs (including pot) mixed with alcohol has shot up from 78 to 149.