‘Copycat’ Suspect Robs Jet Mart Conoco in Kennewick
For the 2nd time in four days, the convenience store at the top of the hill on Volland, just south of Canal, was robbed. Jet Mart Conoco has now been hit twice this week.
Around 9pm Thursday night, the suspect entered the store, waved a knife at the clerk, and demanded money. Police say there are numerous similarities between the two robberies, the other one occurred Sunday. There's enough that police suspect they might be related.
More information and surveillance images are likely to be released shortly. Robberies are bad enough, but when you arrive home, and there's numerous police cars at 'checkpoints' around your block, it hits home. Police cars were deployed at Metaline and Arthur, near Arthur and Hood, and Yost and Hood. This was one of the units.
Police told Newstalk870 their K-9 unit was actively tracking a suspect, but did not release any other information.