GOP Poll Observers ‘Tossed’ From Sites in Philly
I guess being a court-appointed observer doesn't mean anything to Philadelphia Democrats.
Court-appointed Republican voting poll inspectors in 16 different voting stations were "forcibly" removed and replaced by Democrats -- even by members of the controversial New Black Panthers. According to memos and internal reports obtained by the Washington Examiner and the Philadelphia Inquirer, GOP inspectors there to oversee and maintain integrity in the voting process were forced to leave. One report indicates a female GOP inspector was physically thrown out of the building!
From the "Secrets Column" of the Examiner:
These Inspectors are election officials - again, court appointed -- and are reportedly being thrown out by the Head Judges of Elections (these Judges are elected Democrats) and being replaced by Democrats.
You might recall in 2008 numerous videos that were posted online of members of the New Black Panthers standing outside various polling places in Philadelphia and other Pennsylvania cities intimidating white voters to keep them from entering.
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