Gov. Inslee Pushes Back Against Franklin County Re-Open
According to Gov. Jay Inslee's office Franklin County cannot defy his Stay Home order and re-open.
At odds are a state statute that indicates Inslee's emergency order can only be extended by the House and Senate, and they are not in session. Franklin County Commissioners said in their meeting Tuesday they were not aware of any such extension by the legislature (which is not in session) or leaders of the two branches.
They utilized that statute to unanimously pass a resolution opening up the county for business, any and all who wish to re open.
Gov. Inslee's office sent a letter to the County Wednesday saying business who open in the county could face civil or criminal prosecution. This dates back to the 'education' then charges item mentioned by Inslee during the early stages of the lock down. State officials and Inslee said they would start with "education" if a business refused to close, then it could move from there.
Althoug the county Sheriff's have said they will not enforce the Stay at Home by going after businesses or churches, it now appears the Governor's office is willing to do that if they deem necessary.
The Governor's office cited that businesses and Franklin County cannot violate an order issued by the Governor as part of his emergency powers.
Reports indicate the Commissioners are having a meeting Thursday, 4-22, to discuss their next course of action.
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