"Mass vaccination of teachers NOT a pre-requisite for returning to school, according to the CDC."--Gov. Jay Inslee.

During his press conference Tuesday afternoon, Gov. Inslee said this statement, which perhaps will raise some eyebrows in certain areas of the educational world in WA state.

Gov. Inslee said the state is "increasing the days for in person education."  One of the ways the state is seeking to increase in person education is with a new DOH pilot program that began with 13 districts.  The optional program offered testing for students and teachers and will be expanded to 50 districts soon.

The state will be "expanding testing assistance" to schools in this program.

This provides an option, claims Inslee, to increase safety and confidence in teachers, parents and students to return to school.

Inslee said if the CDC says it's safe to return to school, it should be "paramount" to get kids back in classrooms.

He also spent considerable time discussing how many educators have been encouraged and convinced to return by seeing other schools who have been already doing hybrid and other in class modeling.

He featured several educators who shared experiences of how they have been able to get their students back in class via hybrid and other means.


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