September is National Preparedness Month, and the Oregon Office of Emergency Management is urging everyone to prepare now for potential hazards.  OEM Director Andrew Phelps said now is a good time to make sure you’re “two weeks ready.”


“Food, water, non-perishable food, extra medication if you rely on medication to keep yourself healthy, extra clothing to keep yourself warm, sturdy boots or shoes in case you do need to evacuate on foot.  Trying to keep fuel in your vehicle; not letting your vehicle fall below a half tank of gasoline becomes important."


Phelps added it’s more than just gathering things; he asks that you think about evacuation routes; make copies of important documents; and sign up for local emergency alerts.  He said Oregonians have faced more than their fair share of emergencies in the past two years, in addition to the pandemic and devastating storms.


“It never seems to stop; the wildfires, and even thinking about the horrible impacts of the shooting in Bend earlier this week. You never know what is going to be around the corner, in terms of hazards, and what those hazards can do to impact our community. So, it’s really important that we, as Oregonians, have this shared responsibility to try to reduce our risk of hazards."


Visit the OEM's Website for more tips on making sure your family and operation are prepared in the event of a disaster.


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