Here Are Six Food Items That Might Be In High Demand In Washington State In 2023

Egg shortages were recently in the news and it looks like several more items might be in short supply in Washington State for 2023.

Shopping cart with foods at the grocery store

What Food Items Should I Be Aware Of That Might Be In Short Supply In 2023

We've all seen prices escalate with inflation last year due to supply and demand but there are six items that might even be harder to find this year.

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You'd think it would be toilet paper again but luckily that didn't make our list of six items that'll be in short supply.

An article from has made a list of items that you might want to stock up on or have a backup of.

Generic raw meat

The article does warn against panic buying as these are just some items that might be affected by supply and demand this year and you don't want to start a rush on them.

6 Food Items That’ll Be Harder To Find in Washington State in 2023

Here are six items in Washinton State that might be in short demand in 2023 has several options and ideas on how to prepare for a food shortage - you can read those ideas here.

Food shortages may seem like a distant problem but they are likely going to become much more prevalent over the next few years—especially when it comes to certain items such as eggs, meat, and fish.

By stocking up now on these items while they’re still readily available at market prices you can ensure that you have access to them when they become scarce or expensive later down the line.

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