Surprise: This Popular Food Dish Is Banned in Washington State
What Dishes Are Banned In Washington State And Oregon?
There are not a lot of food dishes that are illegal in Washington State and Oregon but one dish that stands out as banned is a popular food dish from Scotland.
Why Did The USDA Ban A Popular Scottish Dish In Washington State?
It may surprise you but Haggis is one of those dishes that's banned in Oregon and Washington State.

If you didn't know, Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made from sheep's heart, liver, and lungs mixed with oats, onions, and spices.
It has been a staple of Scottish cuisine for centuries.
However, if you live in Oregon or Washington State, you won't find haggis on the menu.
The reason for the ban on haggis in Oregon and Washington State has to do with food safety regulations.
Specifically, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits the importation of any food containing sheep lungs into the United States. This is due to concerns about scrapie, a disease that affects sheep and can be transmitted to humans who consume infected meat.
While there have been no confirmed cases of scrapie transmission to humans through haggis consumption, the USDA maintains its ban on sheep lung imports as a precautionary measure.
This means that even though haggis can be made without sheep lungs (known as "lung-less" haggis), it cannot be imported into the United States from Scotland or any other country that includes sheep lungs in its recipe.
So now you know why haggis is "technically" banned in Washington and Oregon.
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