Imagine being told that your family member was illegal and would be taken away from you or euthanized - just because of their physical profile and breeding. That's how many dog owners feel about breed specific legislation (BSL for short).

Where I live, "dangerous" breeds like Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, and Akitas are prohibited by the lease. However, our apartment managers have always ignored this and allowed people to keep these breeds. As a result, most of the dogs I see around the property are rescued and adopted pit bulls (thanks, in part, to the efforts of the Pit Bull Pen.) They are all sweet, well-mannered pooches who just wanna give kisses.

Two playful well behaved pit bulls

Are any dog breeds banned in Washington State?

The simple answer: no. At the state level, there is no law prohibiting specific breeds from being kept. In fact, RCW 16.08.110 (signed into law in 2019) offers some protection against breed-specific legislation, stating that "A city or county may not prohibit the possession of a dog based upon its breed, impose requirements specific to possession of a dog based upon its breed, or declare a dog dangerous or potentially dangerous based on its breed" unless "the city or county has established and maintains a reasonable process for exempting any dog from breed-based regulations."

An exemption process recommended includes passing a behavioral test, such as the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen test.

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What is a Canine Good Citizen?

Canine Good Citizens are tested on 10 different skills that shows they are capable of safely co-existing with others. These skills are:

  • Accepting a friendly stranger
  • Sitting politely for petting
  • Appearance and grooming (including accepting grooming from others)
  • Out for a walk (walking on a loose lead)
  • Walking through a crowd
  • Sit and down on cue and stay in place
  • Coming when called
  • Polite reaction to another dog
  • Reaction to distraction (no panic, barking, or aggression)
  • Supervised separation

There are over 400 evaluators of the CGC test available in Washington, and it is also available at all Petco locations.

What are "dangerous dogs" in Washington State?

Many areas may have legislation against "dangerous dogs" and require registration or sterilization of these animals. Under RCW 16.08.070, dogs are only considered potentially dangerous if they threaten people or animals unprovoked, and only dangerous if they have injured or killed an animal or person. The state law does not expressly define any breed as dangerous.

Cities and counties may more narrowly define this term.

left: dog lunging and barking on leash. right: dog in aggressive posture and snarling

Are Pit Bulls banned in Washington State?

As explained above, no dog is expressly banned in Washington State. However, some cities and counties may have municipal codes restricting these breeds.

For example, Brewster, WA requires that all pit bulls pass a behavioral exam and that all pit bulls must be sterilized (spayed/neutered) within 10 days of entering the city. Other cities that restrict pit bulls include (but are not limited to) Bridgeport, Buckley, Coulee Dam, and Grandview.

Many other cities formerly had bans or restrictions against pit bulls, but lifted them in recent years to match state law.

Are Cane Corsos banned anywhere in Washington State?

As with the pit bulls above, no state law prevents the ownership of Cane Corsos or other mastiffs. However, some cities and counties may restrict these based on the law and require behavioral tests and/or sterilization.

The takeaway: check your city and county laws before adopting or buying.

While Washington State doesn't prohibit any specific dog breeds, cities and counties may be more restrictive. That means it's important to check your local guidelines first - whether you're moving in, buying a new dog, or adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue. This is also true if you are renting or leasing a place - check their pet policies.

Pet owners owe their pets the best life possible - so make sure you don't jeopardize that by accidentally breaking the law!

30 Worst Cities For Dogs Biting Mail Carriers

The U.S. Postal Service has released a list of the worst cities in the country for mail carriers being attacked by dogs while on their routes.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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Gallery Credit: Linda Lombardi

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