Kennewick Police to Help Carry the Special Olympics Torch!
The Special Olympics will be kicking off in Seattle on July 2nd, and Kennewick will have a special place in the ceremonies. Before the games kick off The Flame of Hope Torch is run across the states. The Torch will make its way through Kennewick tomorrow (Wednesday, June 27th) with the help of the Kennewick Police Department. A press release from the Kennewick PD details this important event:
Before competition begins on July 2, an elite group of law enforcement officers and Special Olympics athletes will escort the Special Olympics “Flame of Hope” on a journey across Washington State. From June 27 through July 1, 47 law enforcement officers representing 47 states, along with six Special Olympics athletes, will make up the prestigious “Final Leg” team for the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games Law Enforcement Torch Run®.
The “Flame of Hope” will make its way to the Kennewick Police Station June 27, 2018. Guest speakers and entertainment will include: Kennewick Mayor Don Britain, Kennewick Chief of Police Ken Hohenberg and entertainment from 2018 World Champions, IMPACT Percussion from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Benton and Franklin Counties.
WHO: Law enforcement officers from 47 states and local law enforcement from Kennewick Police Department run the “Flame of Hope” across Washington to the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games.
WHAT: An elite group of Final Leg Torch Runners from throughout the United States will run and carry the Torch across the state of Washington containing the “Flame of Hope” in celebration of the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games. The Law Enforcement Torch Run Campaign (LETR) is an international campaign that raise funds and public awareness for Special Olympics programs.
June 27, 2018, 11:40 am / Kennewick Police Department, 211 W 6th Ave, Kennewick, WA
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