Masks, Distancing to Remain for Area Summer Schools?
With the state expected to "re-open" June 30th, it remains to be seen if area school districts will 'loosen' some requirements for their summer school and activity programs.
At least for the time being, Kennewick schools will not. This was some of the information sent via email to parents and others on their recipient lists as well as media:
"Face Coverings
All students, school personnel, volunteers, and visitors, even those individuals who are fully vaccinated, must wear cloth face coverings or an acceptable alternative (e.g., surgical mask) at school when indoors, as well as when outdoors where a minimum of six feet distancing cannot be maintained. Students may remove their masks when they are eating meals and when they are outside spaced six feet apart."
They also issued this as well:
"Physical Distancing
Schools must practice physical distancing of at least three feet or more between students in classroom settings, and maintain six feet of distance between students to the degree possible for the following circumstances:
- Between adults/staff in the school building and between adults and students.
- For all staff and student in common areas, such as school lobbies and auditoriums.
- For all staff and students when masks cannot be worn, such as when eating lunch.
- For all staff and students during activities when increased exhalation occurs, such as PE, exercise, or shouting. These activities should be moved outdoors or to large, well-ventilated spaces whenever possible. "
According to officials, the Washington State Department of Health has issued these requirements for public schools, and the local Districts do not have the authority to make changes. Kennewick advises parents whose children will be starting summer school on June 21 to be prepared.

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