What's going on?

Another Greater Idaho Bill Introduced in Oregon Legislature
After four years, the idea keeps chugging along...14 Oregon counties have internally approved joining Idaho.

Spokane 2-Year-Old Revived with NARCAN After Exposure to Mom’s Fentanyl
Child was exposed in a Spokane Valley motel.

Would You Pay an Extra Egg Tax in Washington State Restaurants?
Learn how rising egg prices are prompting Washington State restaurants to consider an egg surcharge tax

Could Washington State Secede and Survive From the USA?
Could Washington State survive by itself if we bailed from the United States?

New Drug Could Be A Solution To Washington’s Opioid Crisis
While it's next to impossible to know how many opioids entered the state illegally in 2023, we do know that just under 1.7 million prescriptions were written.

8 Everyday Foods That Are Draining Your Wallet in Washington
These 8 everyday food items are driving up prices in Washington State

Op-Ed: Massive tax increase proposed for single-payer health care in Washington state
Democrats hoping to phase out private health insurance in WA, with single-payer, or socialized medicine