With the big boom holiday coming up Monday, we thought we'd give you a taste of what happens when people take leave of their senses, and do stupid stuff with gunpowder and fuses.
According to West Pasco residents and regular commuters, the stretch of I-182 between the Columbia River and the 20th Ave. Exit in Pasco has been a problem for a number of years, some calling it a 'racetrack.'
Tuesday night, I-84 was closed in Oregon in various areas due to blowing dust and severe windy conditions. It also triggered accidents, one of which killed a motorist.
I hope you weren't expecting a package from UPS. Troopers are continuing the investigation into Thursday morning's commercial motor vehicle crash on Interstat e 84 involving a UPS semi truck pulling a set of double trailers.
According to KATU-TV, the Oregon legislature this week gave final approval to a measure that will grant driver licenses to anyone -- including illegal aliens -- provided they can prove they have lived in Oregon for at least one year and lack other legal identification.