It's time to start planning for April Fools if you want to make it truly memorable. We have a lot of fun at the radio station. Whether it's mandatory no-toilet flushing, lies about sagebrush, or false information about the Badger Mountain parking lot, we love to get people going. What will YOU do? Here are a couple ideas to get you going:
Every year since 2000, except 2001 and 2003, Google has treated netizens to at least one, sometimes 17, April Fool’s Day pranks and easter eggs. And, since we know they love to play (check out their new Google Play offering), we’re hoping 2012 will be no different.
It’s that time of year again, when you have to watch out for tricksters. April Fool’s Day is the perfect excuse for any prankster in your immediate area to practice his or her craft.
So, what’s the real story behind the origins of this, um, ‘holiday?’ Well, it’s no joke — there are many possible explanations.