Benton County Sheriff's are trying to solve a potentially deadly mystery.
Around 8am Thursday morning, they received a call about a crashed, crushed actually, older Dodge pickup found near the intersection of Beck and Owens Roads. The location is roughtly between 6-7 miles southwest of Finley...
Just before 2am Saturday morning, Kennewick police responded to a break in at the Baker Boyer Bank near Canal and Edison Streets, and found the building had extracted it's own vengeance on the suspect.
Around 3am Friday morning, Pasco police were alerted to reports of shots fired at a home at 2416 East Alvina, where a house party had been going on. The location is just North of E. Lewis and Cedar in East Pasco.
Because of the outbreak of the Zeka blood virus, the American Red Cross is asking anyone who's traveled to Latin America or the Caribbean in the last 28 days to refrain from donating. These new restrictions and procedures are being implemented nationwide for blood donations.