In perhaps the most insensitive statement made by President Obama since his infamous "You didn't build that" comment, he was quoted last week as suggesting families get rid of their cable or cellphones so they can afford healthcare.
People sure do love their iPhones, but they also can't seem to stop dropping them—good news for the booming iPhone-repair business. In fact, a recent accident survey by SquareTrade found that the American population has spent nearly $5.9 billion fixing their damaged phones since the first device hit the market in 2007.
It wasn’t so long ago that all you could do on a cell phone is make or receive calls.
Now these amazing mini-computers will tell you where you are, where you need to go, and provide you a movie to watch while you get there. Spouses, on the other hand, more or less have the same abilities as they’ve always had.
Statistics are showing more and more that cell phone use in cars is a leading cause of accidents. In fact, some research has shown that driving while distracted causes more deaths than driving while under the influence. But, would you buy a new device that prevents you from ever using your cell phone in your car?
A number of months ago, there was a hilarious cell phone commercial about a couple who was 'butt dialing' each other on their phones; comes of course, from putting one's cell phone in their back pocket and it fires off a call....but to 911?
It was a 12th century solution to a 21st century problem.
A 15-year-old in Tahuya, Washington became so enraged when her father took away her cell phone that she shot him with a bow and arrow.
If Newt Gingrich somehow manages to get elected in 2012, there's a good chance the White House will be hearing a lot more ABBA in the hallways.
According to the LA Times, Gingrich's speech in Ames, Iowa, was interrupted Thursday when his cell phone went off. The ringtone: ABBA's 'Dancing Queen.'