The man accused of threatening doctors and workers at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland a week ago has plead not guilty.
51-year-old Matthew Ganz is being held on $50,000 bail after he was arrested in Kennewick last Monday evening...
An inmate facing a court hearing in Benton County at the Justice Center just off of Canal in Kennewick decided to try the 400 meter dash to the parking lot. He made it about 390 meters.
Around 2:30pm, Bryan L. Hodges was going to appear in court, some procedural matters pertaining to his case...
A man from Kennewick named William J. Barrett has admitted to looking for some "family fun" when he tried to contact two underage girls mother in an online ad.
Usually, when a judge makes a ruling and the affected party does not agree with decision, the state court of appeals hears the case. But in this situation, a little different.
A convicted Kennewick sex offender will likely spend at least ten years behind bars after being sentenced in Spokane Federal Court on multiple charges of trying to 'hook up' with minors for illicit purposes.
According to a King County Superior Court Judge, the law that would have required a super majority vote on tax increases by the House and Senate is against the State Constitution.