If you want to really zero in on where crimes are occuring in your neighborhood, or city, check this out!
Richland Police recently share this website that allows you to program in data and it gives you fascinating breakdowns and maps of what's going on...
We don't always agree with the ACLU, but in this case, they appear to have legitimate issues with a popular type of facial recognition software.
Rekognition is a program sold from Amazon, and has been used since 2016 by web developers...
So you've got some outstanding warrants, a suspended driver's license, and you need to get around town without being noticed? Steal somebody's license plates--that'll help.
Many cities have a VIPS program in their police department, or Volunteers In Police Service. Kennewick does. But this idea actually takes it a little bit further.
It's one of the only programs of it's type in the nation, where low-level offenders are not jailed while awaiting their court dates. It's called the Pre-Trial Program. But now it's being evaluated after three suspects re-offended while awaiting their court dates.