Northwest dairy cooperative Darigold has launched a new brand of dairy-based coffee creamer, named Belle, featuring five simple ingredients in a premium blend.
(Pasco, WA) -- Groundbreaking was held Thursday morning for what will be a massive new dairy production facility in Pasco for the Seattle-based Darigold Corporation. It was last year that the dairy co-op announced the new facility that will cost multi-millions of dollars to construct, will be able to process some 8 million pounds of milk per day...
The USDA is offering contracts for its massive food box program to companies that were passed over in the first round of contracts for technical errors.
Farm Equipment and Ag Equipment Intelligence launched the first brand loyalty study of farm machinery in late 2010, followed by subsequent studies in 2014 and 2017.
Avocado marketers say they weathered a couple of "very stressful" weeks after stay-at-home orders took effect, but since have seen retail sales recover.
The “phase one” agreement that de-escalated the China-U.S. trade war calls for China to greatly expand its purchases of U.S. food, ag and seafood products this year and in 2021.
The owner of the second largest dairy farm in Oregon is facing new legal issues after authorities say he was caught with suspected meth.
60-year-old Greg Te Velde was arrested last Friday in the 600 block of SE 6th street in Hermiston after being seen driving on the wrong side of the road...
The lawsuit is one of several filed against Yakima Valley area dairies, and was filed without any definite evidence showing the dairy was directly responsible for high nitrate levels found in the area.