Detroit has become the largest city in U.S. history to declare bankruptcy. While a lower-circuit judge ruled it was invalid, it's just a few pieces of paper and a gavel away from happening as that judge had no authority or judicial power to stop it.
Detroit Police are combing the city for leads and information trying to break up what is believed to be a ring of robbers who have hit gas stations lately. The group of men have hit 11 different stations in a two-week period and recently robbed six businesses in just one hour! The men are described as black, in their 20s, wearing dark clothing and armed with AK-47 rifles.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here. Here being Detroit.
A recent report by the Detroit Police Officers Association offers a strict warning to those who plan to visit the city, saying that due to “grossly understaffed” and overworked law enforcement, people now enter the Motor City at their own risk.
The search for Jimmy Hoffa, the Teamster union boss who was purportedly murdered by the Mafia in 1975, still flares up from time to time — even though Hoffa was declared legally dead, absent his body, in 1982. It seems that good ol’ Jimmy just doesn’t want to go away: he still might turn up in (or rather, beneath) a Michigan driveway.
Workers at a Chrysler plant in Michigan have been reportedly caught on video drinking and smoking during their lunch hour breaks, just ten months after another expose caught workers at another plant doing the same near Detroit.