2 Abandonded Puppies Find New Home in an Unexpected Place2 Abandonded Puppies Find New Home in an Unexpected PlaceThe puppies were left on the side of the road in Yakima. They found a forever home in an unexpected place!Lance TormeyLance Tormey
She Died in 1988 Now Authorities Wonder Who Is She?She Died in 1988 Now Authorities Wonder Who Is She?If you can help or recognize this person you are urged to contact the Yakima County Coroner’s Office 509-574-1610 Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Sumner Man Finds $17,000 Outside Food Bank - Gives BackSumner Man Finds $17,000 Outside Food Bank - Gives BackA homeless man in Sumner Washington discovered $17,000 outside a food bank and returned the money.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
Missing Bunny “Magically” Reappears In CageMissing Bunny “Magically” Reappears In CageMissing Bunny "Magically" Reappears In CageRik MikalsRik Mikals
Cab Driver Turns in Huge Chunk of Lost Money – Would You? [POLL]Cab Driver Turns in Huge Chunk of Lost Money – Would You? [POLL]A Las Vegas cab driver has done the right thing over a huge pile of money he found.John McKayJohn McKay