Apparently this is a real thing! Hey, if you want to grab that pruner and go to town on your shrubbery naked, go right ahead! The 13th-annual event promoting loving the planet and healthy gardening is Saturday, May 6,2017
The event is dedicated to making “non-sexual social nudity” more acceptable...
Have you ever heard of using hay bales to grow flowers and vegetables instead of garden beds?
Apparently you just sprinkle a little dirt on top and the plants sink their roots down into the hay bale. It’s easier to manage and requires less water...
It's never a bad time to start composting. It's tricky and you need to know what you're doing. Climate zones are important to understand. Here are useful tips from locals about what works for them:
I maintain the potted plants at the radio station and I've discovered a trick for keeping the soil moist longer. This is a BIG help when you live somewhere as hot as here, and when you're going through a drought.
They just might have had that one answer you're looking for on how to get rid of ants swarming your flower garden, or those bugs that leave those mysterious "holes" in the leaves of your plants. Catch up with last Saturday's show here.