
New UW Study Says $15 Minimum Wage Actually Costs Workers
New UW Study Says $15 Minimum Wage Actually Costs Workers
New UW Study Says $15 Minimum Wage Actually Costs Workers
In yet another example of how those who were pushing the $15 minimum wage didn't to their homework, or use business common sense, a new University of Washington study shows while workers ARE making noticeably more money, it's offset because they're getting fewer hours.
Seattle Passes “Impossible” New Worker Scheduling Laws
Seattle Passes “Impossible” New Worker Scheduling Laws
Seattle Passes “Impossible” New Worker Scheduling Laws
Some business owners in Seattle say the new secure scheduling laws will be "impossible" to work around, and will only result in fewer hours and more layoffs for many workers. Secure Scheduling is the latest brainchild of labor union backed Working for Washington, and could potentially leave business owners in serious trouble when it comes to last minute or sick worker scheduling. Read Mo