"The Little Prince" is a new French animated movie, directed by Mark Osborne, co-director from Kung-Fu Panda. It features big stars a Leonardo DiCaprio is the executive producer. The movie is based off the book, "The Little Prince" from 1943, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, about a prince who falls to Earth from an asteroid and meets a stranded pilot in a desert.
You'll have plenty of options for some good old spine-tingling Halloween fun once the latest batch of thrillers (and one re-release) hits theaters this weekend.
This week we get a World War II-set ensemble drama, so you know it's that time of year when all the Oscar-hopefuls start crowding up the screens at your local multiplex.
Another week, another batch of wildly different offerings at the theaters: a little horror-fantasy, some Oscar-minded courtroom drama and a children's-book adaptation.
Three big movies arrive in theaters this weekend: a sequel to a 2013 horror blockbuster, an Oscar-hunting thriller and the film adaptation of a bestselling book series.