Pasco Police Department

Pasco Police Write an Epic Novella Just Like The Game of Clue
Pasco Police Write an Epic Novella Just Like The Game of Clue
Pasco Police Write an Epic Novella Just Like The Game of Clue
I am a huge fan of the Pasco Police Department and whom ever does their creative crime blog posts this time is no exception...there was a situation going down literally around the corner from the radio station and here's what went down in the game of clue sorta way...
Pasco PD Deal With a Stinky Situation and Do It With Humor
Pasco PD Deal With a Stinky Situation and Do It With Humor
Pasco PD Deal With a Stinky Situation and Do It With Humor
I've got to hand it to the Pasco Police they work really hard serving and protecting our community and they really take things in stride even when it comes to a burning port o'potty...Enjoy this very well written witty blog it sure made me laugh!!

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