App uses Bluetooth type tech to communicate with other enable devices, reportedly bypassing GPS and not collecting sensitive data about user...this according to WSDOH.
It's called cellphone mobility data. It's the 'map' of GPS, location services etc. left behind by everyone's cellphones as they navigate the state or city. And WSDOH looks at it.
Supports of Initiative 1552 are planning more events coming in the next few weeks, mirroring other efforts that have boosted signatures to get it on the ballot. I-1552 is being pushed as a counter to the controversial 'gender-neutral' bath and locker room laws passed less than a year and a half ago. Some of these signing events will likely get a lot of attention.
By now you've probably heard the FBI, armed with a Judge's order, is trying to force Apple to help them hack into the i-Phone of one of the San Bernadino terrorist shooters. There's apparently information in there of national security, say the feds. But it goes beyond just that.
As if traveling isn't stressful enough, with the TSA clown show, delayed flights, rate increases, crowded airplanes, and more. Now comes the revelation that many airlines might be potentially making you a target for ID theft.
Is it possible authorities in the future might have to get a judge's warrant before searching a person's phone, email, bank and other personal electronic records?