Data Reporting ‘Error’ Cleared, South Central to Phase 2Data Reporting ‘Error’ Cleared, South Central to Phase 2now begins the process of catching up with new regs.John McKayJohn McKay
7 Regions Move to Phase 2 (92% of State), But NOT Ours7 Regions Move to Phase 2 (92% of State), But NOT OursGov. Inslee opens up all regions to Phase 2, except South Central. Kittitas, Yakima, Benton, Franklin and Columbia Counties. John McKayJohn McKay
Dems Say Re-Open Plan “disastrous disconnect with the realities of our communities”Dems Say Re-Open Plan “disastrous disconnect with the realities of our communities” Beginning February 1st, the Puget Sound Region (King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties) will move to Phase 2, as will the West Region. John McKayJohn McKay
2 Regions Move to Phase 2 Monday, But NOT Us–Both West Side2 Regions Move to Phase 2 Monday, But NOT Us–Both West Side Inslee cautioned against having large Super Bowl parties, saying we don't want to let the virus win the Super Bowl. John McKayJohn McKay
DOH Says All 8 COVID Regions Remain in Phase 1 Through Feb. 1DOH Says All 8 COVID Regions Remain in Phase 1 Through Feb. 1No real surprise, State keeps all regions in Phase One.John McKayJohn McKay
WSDOH: All 8 Regions to Stay in Phase One Through 1-25WSDOH: All 8 Regions to Stay in Phase One Through 1-25Despite being down in new case trends and COVID hospital admissions, our South Central region is stuck.John McKayJohn McKay
Inslee Unveils Healthy WA Re-Open Plan-No Counties, All New CriteriaInslee Unveils Healthy WA Re-Open Plan-No Counties, All New Criteria State now divided into regions (8) and each will have two phases. No real changes or reopenings now. John McKayJohn McKay