Nordstrom to Go 'Private,' $6.25 Billion Buyout With Mexican RetNordstrom to Go 'Private,' $6.25 Billion Buyout With Mexican RetCompany's board of directors approved the move Monday Dec. 23rd.John McKayJohn McKay
Black Friday By the Numbers, 2024–In Store vs. Online-And Regret?Black Friday By the Numbers, 2024–In Store vs. Online-And Regret?We're still spending a lot of money on Black Friday, but in-store levels are down a lot from five years ago. John McKayJohn McKay
Moses Lake PD Seeking ‘Wigged-Out’ Retail Theft SuspectMoses Lake PD Seeking ‘Wigged-Out’ Retail Theft Suspect Some observers question whether it's a woman or a man wearing a wig.John McKayJohn McKay
Winco Foods Removes Self-Checkouts in Oregon, WA Next?Winco Foods Removes Self-Checkouts in Oregon, WA Next?Many retailers are taking them out, due to crime and shopliftingJohn McKayJohn McKay