Boy, they're really reaching now, aren't they?
Kennewick Police are cautioning residents about a new scam making the rounds. Citizens are reporting in south Kennewick this week, near 45th and Underwood, that several individuals were making their way to homes, claiming to be from the Benton Clean Air Agency...
Two young men were arrested by Clark County officials after they tried to blame somebody else for a string of port-a-potty fires in Camas.
19-year-old Ryan Ruge and 18-year-old Casen Sincavage are believed to be responsible for a string of arson fires since March 5...
It turns out to make it onto a list of the dumbest criminals, you have to actually be pretty dumb. Granted, we can't all be masterminds, but it probably doesn't take much to know you shouldn't make a YouTube video boasting about the bank you just robbed. Or tweet about punching a guy in the face. Nor should you get into a fist fight over a piece of birthday cake.