You got one of these on your phone Wednesday, you can't opt out of EAS alerts sent by the President himself. But apparently many liberals and celebrities have short memories.
Leading up to announcements about Wednesday's test, which reached across the nation and included on-air radio and TV tones, many libs and celebrities were 'begging' to find a way out of 'Trumps text...
In Washington state, we have the new Driving Under the Influence of Electronics law, which bans any use of any hand-held digital device behind the wheel--even at a stoplight.
We're one of 14 such states who've passed complete bans. But despite the risk of getting a DUIE (Driving Under the Influence of Electronics) many Americans simply ignore the law...
According to a survey of 2,227 adults by the Pew Research Center, the average text message user sends or receives an average of 41.5 messages a day.
How much someone texts is not surprisingly tied to how old they are. Those in the 18-to-29 age group send or receive an average of 87.7 texts a day, whereas that total is only 4.7 for those in the 65-and-over group.