Own a Kia Or Hyndai? Your Vehicle Could Be Easy To StealOwn a Kia Or Hyndai? Your Vehicle Could Be Easy To StealThe decision to not insure the vehicles only applies to new policies. Current policyholders can renew insurance as necessary.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Need Your Help to Identify Slippery SuspectYakima Police Need Your Help to Identify Slippery SuspectHe's considered armed and dangerous.Patti BannerPatti Banner
Stolen Vehicle Suspect Sought by Kennewick CopsStolen Vehicle Suspect Sought by Kennewick CopsSuspect sought for vehicle theft, it was later found abandoned, unoccupied.John McKayJohn McKay
Shocking New Details in Highway 12 Pursuit, ShootingShocking New Details in Highway 12 Pursuit, ShootingIt began with a stolen car, ended with a car chase and shooting. Final timeline in this woman's crazy bizarre crime spree.John McKayJohn McKay