What Does Benton County Sheriff Think of Gun Control Issues? Find Out on Newstalk This Weekend!
Be listening to Newstalk 870 KFLD for an in-depth interview with Benton County Sheriff Steve Keane.
Newstalk 870 talked with one of the county sheriffs you're hearing so much about in the news. Many national talk show hosts and experts are saying local county sheriffs are the "line of defense" when it comes to protecting local citizens 2nd. Amendment Rights.
We've heard from some sheriffs who've already taken the stance of refusing to enforce any federal or state legislation that infringes on the 2nd. Amendment or the Constitution. We've heard others say they are waiting to see what happens.
We posed a number of the current, tough questions to Sheriff Keane, and we invite you to listen in Saturday and Sunday at 5pm on Newstalk 870, for another edition of our Newstalk Community Forum.
Among the topics discussed, semi-automatic weapons, the explosion of gun purchases across the country, Senate Bill 5737 which would have mandated annual searches of homes to inspect gun storage safety, House bill 1588 which would require backround checks for private gun sales, and more.
Make sure you check here at our website, as the interview will also be posted for listening and download.
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