8th District Legislators to Hold Town Hall March 11 in Richland
Here's an opportunity for citizens in Richland and Kennewick to speak to their legislators, and hear what's been going on in Olympia.
8th District legislators to hold town hall march 11th
The 8th legislative district covers most of Kennewick, southern Benton County and Richland. Saturday, March 11th, State Senator Matt Boehnke, and House Reps April Connors and Stephanie Barnard ( all Republicans) will be at the ARC of the Tri-Cities, 1455 Fowler Street in Richland from 2 until 3:30 PM.
This is an in-person event, where citizens can ask questions about what's been happening in Olympia during the 2023 session, as well as hear legislative updates.
There have been a lot of controversial bills introduced, and some are being pushed through, by Democrats. Boehnke, Connors and Barnard have been able to get some needed legislation pushed along, including Connors bill to force windfarm turbines lights to go dark unless aircraft are present--a light pollution bill.

For more information about this public event, click here. The link contains ways to reach out directly to the legislators.
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