Unless you've been living in a cave, you've heard about the dozen or so new controversial crime laws that were shoved through the legislature (some of them even in zoom meetings!) by Democratic legislators in Olympia.

They've resulted in spikes in shootings, violent crime, and drug issues already and they've only been in place for about a month or so.

Now a Republican State Senator believes a special session could quite possibly happen to fix them.

Senator Phil Fotunato says 12 GOP Senators have signed his letter demanding the legislature call itself into a rare special session to clarify and fix many of these laws.

Fortunato said (about the new laws):

“It’s OK to admit you’re wrong, and so far, I’ve been right about how wrong the majority’s policies would be. We cannot wait any longer and most of my Republican colleagues agree. The Legislature should act now, and we need our Democratic colleagues to do the right thing and let the Senate Rules Committee meet and start this process.”

These new laws have resulted in some headline-grabbing stories.  Recently near Everett, WSP Troopers were forced to break off pursuit of a wrong-way driver on the interstate because they didn't have any 'proof' he'd committed a serious infraction. The driver later hit another car head-on.

Kennewick Police were forced to let a disturbed woman slash the tires on multiple patrol cars during a domestic issue call because the woman had done anything to specifically threaten them or anyone else. Even after the woman advanced towards them, they had to retreat before they could finally use a less-lethal weapon to subdue her.

These and numerous other cases are showing how off-base these new law enforcement restrictions are.


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