Expert Tips
Buying Mobility Scooters
Think about your needs and lifestyle before buying a mobility scooter. Maybe you need to navigate tight corners in your home or you want maximize outdoor performance and speed. Accessories make your scooter more useful to you. Go to Densow’s Medical Supplies and check out our selection of mobility scooters and let us fit you into the right one for you.
Jazzy Air Wheelchair
When seated in a wheelchair, your eyes are situated below the eye level of those standing around you. The Jazzy Air power wheelchair by Pride can elevate you to standing height and propel you at walking speed while at full elevation, allowing you to visit face to face with those around you and walk arm in arm with your loved ones. Stop in to Densows Medical Supplies in Richland to check out this power wheelchair, which is unlike any other on the market.
Medical Repair
Just like everything else you own with wheels and motors, your medical equipment needs upkeep and repair. Even walkers and wheelchairs need to be maintained to be safe. Densow’s Medical Supplies in Richland can tune up your equipment and make any necessary repairs. Sometimes Medicare will cover the costs of repair for you. Stop in and see us. We have most of the parts we need to fix your equipment on hand.
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