Giant, Gargantuan Freeze Warning Tomorrow! Everybody Run!
I think I've signed up for too many alerts! I was just trying to enjoy some football on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when all of a sudden the freeze warning alerts came in. And they came in big!
First Alexa made a sound and showed that yellow ring. So I say, Alexa what are my notifications? (wondering if I ordered something I forgot about), she alerted me that there would be a freeze warning on October 12th from 3 a.m. to 9 am. That's Tuesday, tomorrow.
So, I went back to watching football. I hate it when the Seahawks play on Thursdays. I hate it even more when they lose on Thursdays, but I digress.
Then my phone started going off like crazy with notification sounds. First, it was Alexa again with the same notification, different device, followed by The Weather Channel with a freeze warning notification, followed by WeatherBug, followed by Weather Underground, followed by some kind of weather app I didn't even know I had! Yes, it seemed like the world was caving in, all because it's going to get 32 degrees on Tuesday morning.
I realized that farmers and growers have to take this much more seriously. But I am about to check every weather notification I have on my devices so that I can enjoy some football once in a while. Actually, come to think about it, it was about the only excitement I had since the Seahawks weren't playing LOL.
TIPS: Here's how you can prepare for power outages
LOOK: The most expensive weather and climate disasters in recent decades