Cyanide Poisoning: What You Should Know About This WA-Grown Fruit
Long before Starbucks and Amazon, apples put Washington State on the map. Juicy, healthy, and delicious apples! And, since the first apple orchard was planted in the 1820s, Washington has been producing more apples than any other state in America – the climate is nearly perfect for growing the fruit. According to, Washington now designates over 175,000 acres specifically for growing apples which are shipped all over the country and the world.
The Truth: Do apples really contain cyanide?
We’ve all seen at least one movie that has a spy who carries cyanide pills to take in case of capture. The pills contain a lethal dose for a quick convulsive death with frothing at the mouth - at least that’s how Hollywood portrays it. And, you’ve likely heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, right? Yes, that saying remains true. Maybe that’s why people are surprised to learn that apples contain cyanide and if you consume enough it could make you very sick.
How much cyanide is contained in apples?
‘Cyanide’, the word naturally evokes fear in some and when it comes to cyanide in apples, it’s important to put it all in context. Cyanide is a natural chemical that is found in various plants including, almonds, lima beans, bamboo shoots, peaches, cherries, and apples.
Don't worry - there’s no need to throw out your apples or stop eating apples. Let me say that again, don’t throw out your apples! It’s very important to understand that the level of cyanide in apples is so low that it is not harmful to humans. However, according to, it isn’t advisable to eat apple seeds, if at all. Amygdalin is a plant compound found in apple seeds which, if chewed or crushed, turns into hydrogen cyanide and could be deadly - it all depends on how much you consume and your body weight.
Symptoms of cyanide poisoning from apples and other plants
Dizziness, anxiety, confusion, and headache are all symptoms of cyanide poisoning that could occur from eating apple seeds. The rest of the apple is high in fiber and extremely healthy for humans. The most common negative symptom from eating apples is bloating and bad gas.
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