2023 Farmers’ Almanac On Store Shelves
As we prepare to wrap up 2022, many are looking ahead to the new year, and one popular resource in the farming community is the Farmers’ Almanac. Editor Pete Geiger said people often limit the Almanac to a weather book.
“Quite frankly, the almanac is very much about how to be good to yourself and how to do things for yourself. You know, there’s always challenges, whether it’s inflation, or dry conditions, or whatever the case may be, the almanac has a wealth of information both in the book and on-line, which is FarmersAlmanac.com. So, if you have both the book and the on-line, you’re pretty well set for the year.”
While the Farmers’ Almanac started in New Jersey in 1818, Geiger noted the publication has had only seven editors, helping them stay true to their roots. He noted another reason they’ve been able to stand the test of time, is the fact the Almanac has not gotten political.
“The last time we said something political was in 1828 when we said Congress spoke too much and spent too much, and we’ve never made a comment. The 1860s, nothing about the Civil War, World Wars I and II, even as my father was fighting in World War II, nothing was ever mentioned about the wars, or anything. So, I think we’ve stuck very much to what our purpose is, which is to help people do things for themselves.”
The 2023 Farmers’ Almanac is available now wherever you buy books or magazines, and again, there is the on-line component, as well as social media. By the way, he noted they expect a brisk winter with normal precipitation here in the Pacific Northwest.
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