Tri-Cities Rotary Clubs Annual Mid-Columbia Duck Race Brings Smiles (VIDEO)
The 35th Annual Mid-Columbia Duck Race was held Saturday at Columbia Park.

The duck race is a collective fundraising effort to raise money for Rotary organizations in Tri-Cities to designate to local charities. Approximately $3 million has been raised since the beginning of the event. Local Rotarians sold ducks prior to the event and ducks were available up until 11:30 am. All the ducks, (25,000 of them) hit the Columbia River at the park in Kennewick at 12 pm. After several minutes, the ducks began crossing the finish line.
What was the grand prize?
The first lucky duck crossing the finish line was awarded a 2023 Toyota Tacoma truck courtesy of Toyota of Tri-Cities. There were 55 additional prizes for the other lucky ducks crossing in succession.
There were activities and fun for the whole family! Several local Rotary supported non-profit organizations were on hand as well as a number of vendors, and bounce houses for the kids. The first 150 people received goody bags filled with special treats and information.
How do I know if I won? How do I claim my prize? According to tcduckrace.com:
After the race, you will receive a letter in the mail with information on how to claim your prize. Legal forms are required by the gambling commission before prize winners can collect their prize. DO NOT CONTACT THE DONOR BUSINESS. Follow the directions provided in the letter you receive from the CPA firm even if you see your name posted as a winner or you know the business who donated. Only the person whose name is listed on the ticket are allowed to claim the prize.
The Mid-Columbia Duck Race was a fun event for everyone and we can't wait for next year's race! Well done Rotary and everyone who contributed to this family-friendly event!