Why Bright Orange Strips Are Coming to Washington State Highways
Here Is Why Washington DOT Is Adding Orange Strips To WA Highways
The Washington State Department of Transportation is starting a new program on the highways in Washington State and they are hoping you'll take notice.
New Bright Orange Strips On The Highway Serve A Purpose In Washington State
You could start seeing orange stripes all over the highways in Washington State and they do serve a purpose. A new program will be the first time the WA DOT puts orange stripes into use on Washington State highways.
A posting on the WA DOT Facebook reveals that for the first time in state history, they'll add orange lane stripes, combined with the current white stripes, across a one-mile, a multiple-lane stretch of both directions of I-5 in Fife.
According to the post, the WA DOT explains why they are using the new orange stripes:
As you can see, the new orange stripes will hopefully make drivers aware that they are in a work zone and make them slow down.
As you know, fines double in a work zone for speeding and other reckless behavior - Hopefully the new orange stripes will succeed in their purpose, and don't be surprised if these new colors make it to the east side of the state in the future.