Metaline Ave -Edison St. to Kellogg St. Closed to Traffic Beginning Monday
It has taken a long time to improve a Kennewick beast-of-a-side street because SO much had to be done, but a final road closure is a good thing in this case.
Work on Metaline Ave.- Edison St. to Kellogg St., along with intersection improvements at Kellogg & Metaline, causing delays and closures will happen beginning at 7 am, Monday, November 12th , and continuing each day through Wednesday, November 14th.
Metaline Ave. from Edison St. to Kellogg St. will be closed to all through traffic. This closure is to allow for the final paving and striping of the newly reconstructed road. All through traffic will need to use the detours provided via Canal Dr. or Clearwater Avenue. Local traffic should expect delays as the asphalt needs time to cure before it can be crossed.
The intersection of Kellogg St. and Metaline Ave. will also experience delays on Tues. the 13th and Wed. the 14th, due to asphalt grinding and repaving.
The City of Kennewick would like to say thank you for your patience as they complete the final stages of this infrastructure improvement.