Mid Columbians Eating Organic Produce From Azure Standard
Hate going to the grocery store? There are people in your neighborhood getting food from Azure Standard (based out of Dufur, Oregon) through their computers.My friends browse through a massive selection of food, beauty products, health items, cleaners, and much more. They get bulk or even just normal amounts -- mostly at a cheaper price than the grocery store. For example, they get a frozen pizza for $8.05 or 8 pizzas for $58.40. There are "drop points" around Tri-Cities, or you can arrange to meet the truck driver in a parking lot somewhere.
Dop points in the Tri-Cities area are:
- Go Healthy Next on 608 N. Garfield St. in Kennewick
- Burbank
- 2 locations in West Kennewick
- 1 drop point in Richland at someone's home.
Call 971-200-8350 for more information.