
The Pendleton Round-Up is this week. If you host one of the country's oldest, biggest, best and storied rodeos for over 100 years you're bound to have a few ghosts, right? If you want to go looking for ghosts, here's where we suggest:

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    Pendleton's Underground

    The Pendleton Underground Tour is one of the community's most popular attractions. It showcases the town's 19th-century red-light district where gamblers, opium and brothels were permitted. Some of the activity was in underground tunnels, most of which have been filled in, but some are still open for tours. This is, of course, the most haunted place in Pendleton.

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    The Gem Theater

    Athena, Oregon

    Now abandoned, a white figure is still seen behind the windows and visitors say doorknobs mysteriously turn by themselves.

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    Pendleton Arts Center

    An old librarian who used to work in the building haunts the downstairs, moving stuff around poltergeist-like.

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    Pendleton's Red Lion Hotel

    It's not a "haunted hotel" per se... meaning regular guests shouldn't expect to see anything funny, but the employees swear a former employee walks the halls and messes with stuff.

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    Pioneer Park

    A few people are buried there and locals say they get an eery feeling they're being watched when visiting alone, or a chilly breeze will blow through on a day with no wind.

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    Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution

    Now a prison, the building used to be the state mental hospital and guards say they occasionally hear voices calling "help" from the basement.

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    2nd St. halfway between railroad tracks and hill

    Residents report large amounts of poltergeist activity, mostly harmless stuff like doors opening for you when you walk up the stairs with a arms full of groceries. But normal poltergeist stuff, too, like thrown objects and things knocked over.

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