Poll Claims Half of Washington Residents Would Dump Unvaccinated Friends
An amazing 50% of Washington state residents said in a recent survey they would avoid unvaccinated persons (COVID) once all restrictions are lifted.
The study was recently conducted by MyBioSource.com, a biotechnical products distribution company. It was designed to survey what they referred to as vaccine stigma.
The survey was conducted in all 50 states, in WA some 3,400 persons were contacted and surveyed. We don't know if it was a random statewide or west side sample audience.
What we do know raised an eyebrow. According to the data, 50% of WA residents said they would avoid contact with unvaccinated friends and work colleagues once "restrictions are lifted" according to the survey.
They said it was a Google Plus survey done in May 2021, among persons ages 18 and up. Oregon was even higher, at 61%, while CA came in at 62. Maryland was the worst, at 65%.

The state that has the least vaccine bias? Idaho. Only 11 percent of respondents said they would do such avoiding.
Also, the survey said overall 40% of vaccinated Americans said they would be willing to sever friendships with unvaccinated people they know.
We have already seen numerous attempts in some states to encourage people to get a COVID vaccine with special lottery promotions, tickets and other giveaways, and even special increased admission opportunities to events--but some of those were dropped due to discrimination concerns. That would include Richland School's attempt to satisfy vaccinated graduation tickets and seating requests before non-vaccinated persons.
Once the word got out, and the firestorm began, they dropped that plan.
We've all heard the phrase blood is thicker than water? Apparently, for some in WA state, the vaccine is thicker than blood, at least when it comes to friendships and other people you may have thought valued you.
See the survey map below. (used by permission from MyBioSource)
Created by mybiosource.com
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