Kennewick Police continue to search the 600 block of South Beech Street after late Sunday night gunfire.

   Multiple shots were heard in the area by citizens

Around 8:50 PM Officers responded to the 600 block of South Beech Street, a location less than 1,000 feet east of the K-fields (softball fields) and Lampson Stadium area in Kennewick. The area is pictured below.


600 block of South Beech (Google street view)
600 block of South Beech (Google street view)

Reports had come in about multiple shots heard fired in the neighborhood. Upon arrival, no suspects were found but Police did locate numerous shell casings on the road.

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The objects on the street in our image are police markings where the casings were located. No word yet if any property was hit, but the initial investigation did not reveal any injuries or damages.

Police did say they believe this was a targeted incident, however.

The investigation continues.

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