Suspect Swipes Kid’s Airpods at Library–C’mon, Man!
Although the dollar amount is relatively small, it's the idea that somebody wouldn't do the right thing.
Pasco police are seeking to ID this suspect, from an incident last Friday afternoon at the West Pasco branch of the Mid-Columbia Library.
Police said a 15-year-old student was there reading and working, and when they got up to leave, they dropped their Apple Airpod Bluetooth device on the floor. This man was seen on video spotting them, picking them up and leaving with them.
No such devices were reported to be turned in at any of the library branches, and police said later that same day, somebody logged into the device--indicating usage.
Anyone who knows who this person is, Pasco police would like to remind them next time, to do the "right thing," and probably throw some theft charges in there as well.
C'mon, Man!