Suspects Assault Trump Rally Participant in Kennewick -UPDATE
Tri City Republicans on Facebook and other persons who were at the event reported over the weekend a man who was participating in the Trump-Culp flag waving rally along Columbia Center Boulevard in Kennewick suffered a broken nose when he was head butted by a suspect.
The rally, attended by hundreds of participants, stretched up and down the Boulevard and was covered by local TV media Saturday.
The man was collecting signatures for I-1114 at the rally, when according to witnesses, a Black Cadillac Escalade with New York license plates pulled up. One man jumped out, and head butted the 50-year-old man. He was left with a bloodied shirt from a broken nose.
Multiple witnesses said there were four black men inside the SUV, which then sped away. These same sources said a Police report has been filed, no other details released. The man did not sustain any other injuries.
His identity and face in picture have been withheld by request.
This is a developing story will continue to update as information becomes available.
UPDATE-- Monday, a call to the KPD confirms the report WAS filed, and the investigating Officer will be in contact with us soon with any new information.