Puckett Place is the last building you would expect to be abandoned. Sitting on a busy street, smack dab in the middle of the bustling medical district of southwest Amarillo, Texas, this apartment complex has been a looming and boarded up monolith for well over a decade.
The search is still on for whoever what driving this car, or who the owner is, after it was discovered on the Pasco-Kahlotus Highway Saturday morning.
Around 10:12am, Franklin County Sheriff's were notified of the vehicle, which hit a power pole near mile marker 14, about 14 miles Northeast of Pasco...
According to West Richland Police, Petey (as he is now being called) was found by a good samaritan, he'd been abandoned in a dirt area off of Ruppert Road a few days ago.
He appears to be about 14 weeks old, believed to be at least part pit bull, maybe a mix...
A West Linn, OR mother is facing a variety of charges after she allegedly crashed her SUV, abandoned it with a baby inside, then falsely reported it was stolen.
Benton, Franklin County officials, and Columbia Basin Dive Rescue as well as the Coast Guard, have been a little busy lately with sunken boats just left on the bottom of our rivers.