Inslee Presser–Statewide Face Masks Required Starting FridayInslee Presser–Statewide Face Masks Required Starting FridayInslee made it sound like we will have to wear masks until vaccine is found. Insinuated. John McKayJohn McKay
Gov. Inslee to Announce Vaping Executive Order FridayGov. Inslee to Announce Vaping Executive Order Friday Lots of speculation, no firm idea on what this order will be.John McKayJohn McKay
19 Ways Obama Wants to Get Your Guns – More Details Coming Wednesday19 Ways Obama Wants to Get Your Guns – More Details Coming WednesdayThere are at least 19 different executive orders Obama is considering in dealing with gun control. That's 19 ways for him to bypass Congress.John McKayJohn McKay
Obama Threatens ‘Executive Order’ To Pass Cybersecurity BillObama Threatens ‘Executive Order’ To Pass Cybersecurity BillOnce again, Obama shows he is willing to circumvent Congress (and citizens opinions) when it comes to legislation he wants.John McKayJohn McKay
Is Obama’s ‘Moratorium’ On Travel One Year Ago Forgotten?Is Obama’s ‘Moratorium’ On Travel One Year Ago Forgotten?President Obama will stay in D.C. for now.John McKayJohn McKay